
Quick Sandy Update

Dodging a Bullet... Maybe?

Well, I've been tied up with Sandy.  Yesterday I had to go into work for a couple of meetings in the city EOC and check in on the shelter set up.  If you have every considered going to a community shelter during a storm... DON"T!!  Do whatever you can to be prepared enough or have alternatives so that you never have to do it.

This morning I left the house at 0600 to head in to work in the EOC for an expected 12 hour shift.  The trip started fine.  Dark, clear, no wind... oh look, a 6 point buck up ahead... I'll slow down to see what he does...  Good, he's heading in the woods... crap!!! He's coming right at me! BAM!  Daggone deer made a beeline to ram his head in my front quarter panel, slid down the side of the Element, and then ran off in the woods.  That's an insurance claim...

Anyhow, we got the EOC activated and the shelter open... and waited... and waited...  I left about 4 p.m. when we went to a skeleton crew for overnight staffing and we'll be back again in the morning.  Sandy has slowed down her forward movement and moved farther east before she angles in again.  That was good for us but will be horrible for NJ, NY and PA.

While I was in the EOC, at home we lost power.  My wonderful bride got the generator fired up and never missed a beat.  Please make sure that both spouses and old enough children know how to operate your alternative sources of power or heat... generators, solar backup, fireplaces, etc...

Looks like tonight into tomorrow will be the worst for Sandy's affect on us.  We'll be fine, but the rest of the NorthEast needs to stay alert and stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. How about a post explaining more about the community shelters and why people want to avoid using them? This would give us something to point to when people bring it up.

    Stay safe,


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