Back in January I wrote a report on the county preparedness seminar that I went to. If you are in the Central Virginia area, there is another Disaster Survivor Day seminar coming up on May 5th from 9 a.m. to noon. It will happen in 13 different localities, all at the same time, and each tailored for the different environments and needs for the individual areas. They will put it on in Charles City County, Chesterfield County, City of Colonial Heights, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County, City of Hopewell, Louisa County, New Kent County, City of Petersburg, Powhatan County, the east end and the west end of the City of Richmond. Each registered household will receive a free "Survivor Backpack." If the backpack is like the one I received in February, it is a good start to a BOB or 72 hour kit for the car. For more information or to register, visit If you are not in this area, send the link to your local office of emergency management and ask if they have any plans for something similar.
Dried Food Classes
I'm assuming they mean dehydrated food classes, but anyway...
"Free classes on basics, benefits of dried foods are Thursday, May 10th, 7-9 p.m. at Memorial UM Church, 11000 Courthouse Rd., Charles City, and Saturday, May 12th, 10 a.m. to 12 noon at New Kent Extension Office, 11809 New Kent Highway. To reserve spot, call (804) 652-4743"
I'll probably attend one of these to try and learn some techniques to get more out of my Excalibur dehydrator. Check with your local extension office for a similar class in your area.
Bella Medical Ministries

I adopted BELLA as a cause a couple months ago. They do some amazing work in disaster areas such as Haiti, Joplin, and other locations. And they are preppers, too. On today's episode of The Survival Podcast, Jack Spirko did an hour+ interview with BELLA's founder, Brandon Shelton. I'd really encourage you to take the time to listen to the interview and learn about their activities and how you can help.
Guest Writer Contest
Between work, school, and a short vacation, I need a little help in May. Here's where you can come in... Do you have something that you think others would be interested in? Would you be willing to write it up for us?
How did you get involved in prepping? Did you have a survival situation on a camping trip or in a dark, urban alley? Have you gotten a new gun recently and want to tell everyone how great (or not so great) it is? What about a skill that you have that other people should know about?
Here are the rules:
Write a guest post on some survival topic of 750 or more words - it must be your own work and not posted or published anywhere else.
Email it to me here no later than May 7th.
Here's the contest:
I'll post the entries over the rest of May.
I'll choose a winner - that person will win an If It Hits The Fan T-shirt, an If It Hits The Fan paracord wristband and a copy of Joel Salatin's Everything I Want To Do Is Illegal - perhaps a couple more items that might develop between now and then.
That's all there is to it! Send in those entries!
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